Author Archives: Madeline Novak

LIMITED EDITION SOAP – Focus and Meditation Blend with Activated Charcoal and Pure Sea Salt

Limited Edition Focus and Meditation Essential Oil Blend Old Factory

limited edition soap – meditation & focus blend Made on the summer solstice, to aid focus and meditation. Focus your mind, and let any negativity fall away.  Like a good cup of chamomile tea, this blend of pure essential oils will calm you down in all the right ways.  This bar combines essential oils to […]

Blanco Lavender Soap – Handmade in Blanco Texas

Blanco Lavender Soap in the Texas Hill Country

Blanco lavender soap – handmade in blanco, texas Scents go in and out of style, but Lavender always remains.  Its amazing aroma transcends space and time. From the hillsides of France, to grandmothers back porch, Lavender is a scent that everyone loves. Our Blanco lavender soap is a regional specialty, because here in Blanco, Texas – […]

Wimberley Soap Factory – Our beginning in Wimberley Texas

Madeline Novak Jonathan Savoie Old Factory Soap Company Wimberley Soap Factory

Wimberley Soap Factory – Our beginning in Wimberley, Texas Wimberley Soap Factory, The story of our beginnings in Wimberley Texas. One beautiful fall day, many years ago, Jonathan and I first drove through Wimberley, Texas.  We were on our way to Austin, in our white Volkswagen Passat – with all of our belongings in packed in […]

Activated Charcoal Soap – Our Event Horizon Charcoal Soap Bar

Event Horizon Activated Charcoal Soap Bars

Activated charcoal soap – event horizon One question that we get asked all of the time here at old factory is, “Do you have any activated charcoal soap?”  The answer is YES!  We use activated charcoal in several of our bars, including our featured bar today – Event Horizon.  Activated charcoal soap for acne is […]

Old Factory Spotlight: White Deer Apothecary in Austin, Texas

White Deer Apothecary Muscle Salve juniper Hill Contry

White Deer apothecary SOUTH AUSTIN, TEXAS Old Factory’s Quick List.  We are always on the hunt for amazing, unique, clean products and the stores that support them.  Old Factory’s brand spotlight series highlights some of the brands that we use personally, and some of the retail spaces we shop at. We hope to share this […]

This weekend: Herb Day at American Botanical Council

Herb Day American Botanical Council May 2017

Join us this weekend, Saturday May 6th, in Austin Texas for Herb Day at the American Botanical Council.  We will have a booth set up with all of our lovely botanical soaps, perfumes, and more!  This Free Event features plant walks from Ellen Zimmerman of EZ Herbs and Nicole Telkes of the Wildflower Botanical School […]

Limited Edition Soap: Pure Plantain Hydrosol in our Olive Oil Soap Recipe

Pure Plantain Hydrosol Limited Edition Soap by Old Factory Perfume

Limited Edition Plantain Hydrosol Soap by Old Factory.  Many think of the Plantain we find in our backyards here in Central Texas (and across the country) as an unwanted garden weed.  Did you know that it actually has a long history of medicinal use?  This amazing herb can actually do quite a lot.  Today I […]