Welcome Baby Goats!

Baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats Old Factory

Welcome Baby Goats!

Five baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats join our heard this year at Old Factory.

Our milking mother Salt had three babies this Saturday – on St Patricks Day and our mother Pepper had two babies on Sunday! They are all super cute, and doing great three days later.  They are just starting to find themselves and their footing in this world- starting to jump and climb all over the place.  They are all Nigerian Dwarf Goats so they are much smaller than the average goat – so their babies are super tiny as well.  These babies will get all of their mothers milk for about 2 weeks, when they will start to explore other forms of food.  Then we get to start sharing the milk with babies, for our soap (don’t worry, they will still get enough! We are just keeping up the high production by milking the rest out).  

As you know, if you have followed our brand – we were soap makers before we were goat farmers – bringing goats to our ranch here in Texas allows us to have a personal connection to this ingredient that does so much for our soap.  Goats milk provides a rich, creamy lather – and its high fat content helps to transfer nutrients through that lather into our skin (the bodies largest organ!).

Nigerian Dwarf Goats are special in that they produce milk with a very high content of butterfat, not only making our goats milk soap very rich but also making the milk taste delicious and sweet.  One of my goals this year is to make cheese with some of it, something I have not tried before.

Back to the baby goats! We have come up with a few names so far – I think all of the babies will be named after ingredients we use in our soap.  Heres what we have so far:

The boys:

  • Flax Jackson
  • Comfrey Beauregard

The girls:

  • Rose Meringue
  • Clover McCloud
  • Cypress Morello

If you would like to see daily photos of these babies, and watch them grown, join us over on Instagram where you will find tons of pictures and videos..

Nigerian Dwarf Goat Babies born St Patricks Day 2018
Nigerian Dwarf Goat Babies born St Patricks Day 2018
Nigerian Dwarf Goat Babies born St Patricks Day 2018
give our goats milk soap a try