Our first three baby goats of the season are here! Salt, our best milker was the first of our momma goats to kid. She gave birth to three baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats, two does and one buck. We have not named any of them yet, but they will all be named shades of blue, after their dad (named Blue). Do you have name ideas? Share them with us on our social media accounts. You can also find lots of jumpy goat videos and pictures there. These little babies came at the perfect time, in two weeks we will begin to share their milk for our goats milk soap line made right here in Blanco Texas. We are down to just TWO gallons of frozen milk left, meaning these babies couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.

The first one out, this beautiful baby goat has such intricate markings! I just love her. She looks like the perfect split between mom and dad.

These pictures were taken today, their 4th day of life. They are getting their legs and starting to jump around. They love sleeping during the day so far, who wouldn’t in this hot Texas sun? Hopefully we have some shady days this week so they can come out and play.
shop goats milk soap collectionThree tiny goats! This first picture is of our smallest, and one of the smallest goats I have ever seen! She looks just like a toy. She had a little trouble latching at first but now can easily find and enjoy her moms milk.

You can see mom, and bother below. Mostly white, with a black streak down his neck – this one is named after brother Chase who shares the same birthday as these goats. He looks just like argent, almost identical – Salts baby girl from 2 years ago. Pictured with him is mom.