One of the best perks about making goats milk soap, is having baby goats every year! As you know if you’ve followed us for a while, we haven’t always been goat farmers – our original soap lines were our olive oil soap line and our shea butter and flaxseed oil soap line and we made those for many years. One year, I was given a quart of fresh goats milk from a friend in Wimberley, Texas – and we decided to throw it in one of our recipes. The effect made a beautifully creamy, soft bar of soap and it became one of our new favorite recipes. Since them we developed our goats milk soap line which has become one of our best selling lines. That friend supplied us with goats milk for a long time, until she got rid of her goats due to traveling a lot. We found some other really great contacts to provide us with pure, fresh, milk – but when offered a few goats from another friend we couldn’t say no. Now we are on our third year of raising goats to provide our own milk. This is just one of the ways we try to localize our ingredients and make sure they are of the highest quality.