Naturally Driven – MasterCrafted Skincare & Home Goods

Old Factory Soap and Octarine Aromatics

Old Factory specializes in uniquely aromatic, artisan soap and natural perfume. Created in 2008 as a positive, healthy, and creative outlet, a soap maker and an artist with severe skin allergies founded Old Factory.  Each creation is handmade with high quality, natural ingredients, essential oils, herbs and botanicals.  Our packaging is all hand designed in house, with a focus on sustainability and simplicity.  Our unique perfume blends, complex and intuitively based, are created using pure plant material. Our base recipes are made from high quality oils, formulated with attention to the healing properties of the ingredients we use.  We are based in Hot Springs, North Carolina in Western North Carolina

What makes Old Factory Unique?

Custom soap ingredients for old factory soap
Prairie Coneflower Hill Country Custom Soap
Rosemary Essential Oil for soap


Simple ingredients in their purest forms.  High quality recipes fit for kings and queens, but priced for the people.  Just read our ingredients.  Our formulations were designed as powerful support for your skin.  We will never compromise quality for price, and we'll never sink to low marketing tricks such as adding tiny percentages of decadent oils just to get it on our labels.  We are the natural soap company you've been looking for. Read more about our ingredients.


Did you know that all of our soap sampler boxes are handmade right here in the shop? They've always been. In fact most of our packaging is designed, printed, and constructed right here in-house. Beginning with a pencil and paper, our designs come from our heart, and our quest for truth & beauty. Look closely. Our packaging can also be recycled or reused.  Besides reducing waste and allowing us to be more creative, we feel that it brings us closer to everything we send out into the world.

Distilling Essential Oil Old Factory
Tincture Bottles for scent


True artisanal quality.  Beyond our beautiful packaging is an even more beautiful product made with recipes refined for years. Combining extensive research, intuitive and folk knowledge, with fine wholesome ingredients - our master perfumer seeks to tell stories & teach lessons through creative aromatherapy.  Working with the ever changing natural world around us, our line is constantly evolving - watch for limited edition's and house-crafted aromas extracted from our local Texas plants.


In 2016 we realized that our company (Old Factory Soap Company) had two different, but distinct focuses.  Half of our creations focused on working with local growers, high quality ingredients, and principles of folk & botanical medicine.  The other half focused on storytelling, creative expression, and perfumery.  It was then that we decide to split our company into two brands.  Old Factory – our left brain creations / formulations. Parousia – our right brain, our more creative side where we can explore philosophy, art, and truth.  Of course, both brands still follow our philosophy of high quality ingredients.

Old Factory Handmade Soap Company Parousia Perfumes
Parousia Natural Perfumes logo


Naturally Driven – Master Crafted Skincare & Home Goods

Our self titled Old Factory brand offers pure, natural, high quality wholesale products manufactured in Hot Springs, North Carolina. We aim to create the BEST, most nourishing natural skincare & home goods on the market. We work hard to create fresh colorful packaging coupled with the botanical based aesthetics.  Our unique style lends itself to sell as both daily personal use products and as a gift purchase.  The Focus of our Old Factory brand is to provide garden-to-home style products with a the versatility to be sold in any market situation. Old Factory specializes in artisan handmade soap and natural skincare but we also create a variety of other popular products including unique kitchen & home items.


The Plant Has A Voice.  The Perfumer Has A Story.

Parousia by Old Factory is our adventure into the creative unknown, and our most unique product offerings.  Parousia shares illustrative stories through the magic of plant based perfumery.  Using the same fine ingredients as our original Old Factory brand, Parousia intuitively crafts essential oil blends that attempt to (re)create a thousand images, feelings, and ideas gathered from our imagination and the world around us. Each finely tuned perfume is exhibited in mediums of master crafted soap, and perfume oils.  This brand is ideal for customers looking for a unique, thoughtfully crafted product made with high quality ingredients. It features unique and beautiful illustrations, aromas, packaging, attracting many buyers seeking an original and unique scent to call their own.


Jonathan Savoie old factory soap

Jonathan Savoie
Perfumer + Soapmaker

Intuitive perfumer Jonathan Savoie founded Old Factory to explore himself and the world around him through frequency in all forms. Inspired by nature and the quest for higher truth and beauty, he weaves aromatic tales from pure plant essences, botanical extracts, and organic oils.  Along with each scent profile, you can find his original illustrations that helps to express each story.  

Madeline Novak
Customer Support + Production

For Madeline, an artist with severe skin allergies, Old Factory was a necessity.  When she founded Old Factory, there were no other skincare products on the market that were both mild enough for her sensitive skin and healing enough to soothe the effects of living in a chemical filled world.  Exploring the world of natural and herbal medicine, she takes a healing approach to their creations. Madeline also runs the administrative side of Old Factory, and fosters relationships with local herbalists, wild crafters, growers and farmers to supply Old Factory with the freshest, and highest quality ingredients possible.


The Storyline Collection tells our origin story through perfume and its archetypal symbolism.

When we created our first scent in 2008, we didn’t realize we were beginning to form our our destiny.

It began with the creation of our Lucid Dream perfume. While designing its first packaging the perfumer had his first lucid dream. In it he attempted to create a masterpiece on a massive living organ in the sky. This instrument was like no other. It was made of contraptions that not only made sounds, but scents and colors. Some he recognized, some seemed other-worldly. After many failed attempts to produce some beautiful harmony he could bring back to “real life” his frustration ripped him from his lucid dream. Awaking, he realized that his ego undermined him. If only he had let go and let that strange apparatus work through him… It was then that he decided to let intuition, not logic guide him in his work. A natural choice, anyway.

As the story continues, we begin to realize something is missing. Still far away from their Texas home living in the big city of Chicago, we begin to Hunt for the missing pieces while they Gather thoughts, inspiration and their sense of purpose. Eventually a voice comes into focus. This voice, calling us into our future. It is a pure messenger; our power animal, the White Rabbit, which beckoned us to follow it into the great unknown.

A kind of Hermetic transformation takes over in the wake of the White Rabbit as we refine our craft, open our hearts and let go. We realized that we can turn material lead into spiritual gold, that there is great mysteries to uncover and that the world is ours to form around us. We realized that it was our own ego that limits us and that we can create a life from nothing in which we do what we are passionate about, help others and express ourselves. What more could we want? The White Rabbit was leading us out of the city and we had to find the courage to let go of a comfortable life and follow. Like the idiom, let the chips fall where they may.

Eventually we found that courage and set out to cross that threshold and enter the Event Horizon. We had no idea what was waiting on the other side.

The year was 2012, and in a way our old world was really ending when we were pulled back to Texas, into the vortex of the Texas Hill Country.

Driving our old Passat wagon, burdened by the weight of our entire company, all our cherished belongings and two complaining cats, we set South following the Mississippi, then West into Texas. We kept going until we reached the state’s very heart. Up into the hills, we felt a stir within. It was October as we rolled through the sleepy town square, where pumpkins lined the sidewalk. A dream was remembered. We had been there before. It was then we decided to stay for a while and found a tiny hand-built house to live and work in Wimberley, Tx

4 years later, we feel right at home in the always beautiful and sometimes eccentric regions between Austin and San Antonio TX. A natural world of wonder, mystery, freedom and true community.

We’ve since jumped around a couple towns in the area finally settling on a quaint homestead out under the stars in Blanco, TX in 2015 where we immerse ourselves in our work, search for inspiration, self-reflect and refine all of our crafts. We have made this world for ourselves through determination, faith in our passions, a little help from the people we love and the immense support given by the countless people along the way who have used and fell in love with our scents.

COMING SOON….our move to Hot Springs North Carolina in September of 2024 to live and work on a family farm.



aum nation old factory membership

The Aum Nation

The Aum Nation, is a community of spiritually minded, holistic businesses and practitioners, offering services and products which assist in personal transformation and growth.

Media Features

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Indie Business Network

Indie business network

Supporting American Makers.

Madison County North Carolina Chamber of Commerce memeber

Madison county chamber of commerce

Old Factory is a proud member of the Madison County Chamber of Commerce. We are located in Madison County North Carolina.